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Thomas B.



Thomas Bauerle is an American teacher and writer who lived and taught in Japan
for over 30 years. He graduated with Honors from Indiana University, where he
earned a Master of Fine Arts Degree in Creative Writing. He taught Academic
Writing, Remedial Writing and Creative Writing at Indiana University before he
moved to Japan to study martial arts. There he earned a second degree black belt (ni-dan) in Tomiki Aikido and Aiki-jiu-jitsu.
Thomas taught for several years in various language schools in Tokyo, Nagano, and
Nagoya, where he taught students of every age, including preschool and elementary
school students, junior high and high school, university students, adults and senior
citizens. He had taught English at and done editing for several Japanese companies,
including Mitsubishi, Toto and Nippon Denso.
Thomas has also taught for over 25 years at various universities in Japan, including
Nanzan University, Nagoya City University, and Nagoya University of Foreign
In addition, Thomas works as a professional writer and editor, in which capacity he
has published textbooks, magazine articles, short stories and poetry. He recently
published the book Kanashibari: True Encounters with the Supernatural in Japan,
which is a collection of true ghost stories he compiled from a series of interviews he
conducted with Japanese people who have had strange and unusual experiences in
real life.
Thomas retired from university teaching two years ago, and now divides his time between Cebu, the Philippines and Japan.

プロのライター兼編集者であるトーマスは多くの書籍(教科書、雑誌記事、短編小説、詩集)を出版しています。最近の著書には、日本での見聞を元に編集したゴーストストーリー 『カナシバリ』があり、現在日本でも販売中です。

Kanashibari: True Encounters With the Paranormal In Japan 

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